July 2023 deliveries

Delivery No.55

Delivery date: 31 July 2023
Delivery type: Local Purchase Costco Suceava Romania
Transporter: Not applicable
Approximate quantity: £4,000 – 2 tonnes
Delivery contents: Dry foods, canned meats, cleaning products and sweets

Another £4,000 local purchases in Northern Romania, on the border with Ukraine are the most effective ways of helping the Ukrainian people.

Having opened a Charity Account with the Selgros Cash & Carry (the equivalent of UK’s Costco) in the Northern Romanian City of Suceava, we are now able to pool your generous donations, small or large, into regular purchases of food and other critically needed supplies.

Monthly payments of £4,000 get converted instantly in food, cleaning materials, first aid consumable. etc. Importantly, prior to collection, the Ukrainian Partners chose what they want the consignment to consist of.

Also importantly, by purchasing locally, we maximise the value for every Pound donated (food is cheaper in Romania) and we protect the environment by significantly reducing the Carbon footprint of our deliveries.

Please continue to donate generously.