Delivery No. 38
Delivery date: 27 November 2022
Delivery type: Overland
Transporter: Van
Approximate quantity: 140 Boxes
Delivery contents: Food, clothing, generators, medical aid.
A winter delivery focussing on wonderful Christmas Delivery as part of our Ukraine Christmas Appeal.
Wonderful moments with Bristol Lord Mayor, Father Christmas, lots of Volunteering Elves and lots of cake.
We even featured in the Bristol Post:

Father Christmas and the Bristol Lord Mayor were kind enough to join us to send off out Christmas delivery of aid to Ukraine. Generous donations have been made across the local community to make this happen.

Volunteers from across the region loading the Christmas delivery for transport.
Frank & Debbie are on their way!
The Christmas aid sent From Bristol With Love will be in Ukraine within four days. As always all of our deliveries are self-funded which shows the amazing generosity of our transporters. As the temperature drops we will all be stepping up our efforts over winter to support those displaced by the war.
Delivery No. 37
Delivery date: 15 November 2022
Delivery type: Overland
Transporter: David Hall & Jeremy Brudenell
Approximate quantity: 140 Boxes
Delivery contents: Food, Toiletries, First Aid, Camping + Generators
Comments: A winter delivery focussing on winter needs of the recently liberated areas of Kherson.

A generous donation of 10 electrical generators plus lots of camping equipment made this donation both possible and urgent. Funding for this trip was possible through George Gane initial fundraising for his trip, which generated a left over amount of £2,000. This amount has now been used to fund David’s second and Jeremy’s first trip to Suceava – Romania.