September 2023 deliveries

Delivery No. 59

Delivery date: 25 September 2023
Delivery type: Local Purchase Costco Suceava Romania
Transporter: Not applicable
Approximate quantity:
£2,500 – 2 tones
Delivery contents: Dry foods, canned meats, protein bars

Another £2,500 local purchases in Northern Romania, on the border with Ukraine are the most effective ways of helping the Ukrainian people.

This lot was purchased through the generous donations received from the C Crowther and I Rowells families. Upon noticing that after loading up the deliveries 57th and 58th, there was still some room left in the Ukrainian vans, they offered to contribute £1,000 and £300 respectively to which the Charity added a further £1,200 from own resources. The local manager generously added a further 2% discount and we were able to organise therefore our 59th delivery of aid.

Please continue to donate generously.

Humanity will prevail!

Delivery No. 58

Delivery date: 23 September 2023
Delivery type: Over land
Transporter: Ian Rowels and Rikki Tainton
Approximate quantity: 1,750 kgs
Delivery contents: Food, first aid, mobility aids, clothes, camping

In the presence of HM Lord-Lieutenant in the City of Bristol, Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, supported by Cllr Brenda Massey and Cllr. Lesley Alexander, attended by our Donors, Board Members, Transporters and Volunteers, we dispatched today 1,750 kgs of aid including FOUR generators, food, first aid and toiletries.

Huge thanks to all! Especially to Ian Rowels and Rikki Tainton for fundraising and entirely sponsoring this van’s return journey and the crew’s expenses.

Special thanks to Morrisons Cribbs Causeway for generous support and Autolyne Van Rental for sponsorship.

Please support and/or join our Charity.

Humanity will prevail!

Delivery No. 57

Delivery date: 23 September 2023
Delivery type: Over land
Transporter: Chris Crowther and Razvan Constantinescu
Approximate quantity: 1,750 kgs
Delivery contents: Food, first aid, mobility aids, clothes, camping

In the presence of HM Lord-Lieutenant in the City of Bristol, Mrs Peaches Golding OBE, supported by Cllr Brenda Massey and Cllr. Lesley Alexander, attended by our Donors, Board Members, Transporters and Volunteers, we dispatched today 1,750 kgs of aid including FOUR generators, food, first aid and toiletries.

Huge thanks to all! Especially to Chris Crowther family for entirely sponsoring this van’s return journey and the crew’s expenses.

Special thanks to Morrisons Cribbs Causeway for generous support and Autolyne Van Rental for sponsorship.

Please support and/or join our Charity.

Humanity will prevail!